Being the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, magnesium plays many roles in supporting your health. It helps dampen the effects of stress hormones to promote calming sleep, as well as relaxing muscles and reducing cramping. Magnesium protects your brain from memory loss, improves mood, concentration and learning, and lowers anxiety helping to keep you calm during stressful times. However, that’s not all this mighty mineral helps with! Magnesium also improves blood sugar control, which can positively impact weight, reduce sugar cravings and support energy levels
Are You Low in Magnesium?
Fatigue, muscle cramps, headaches and difficulty sleeping are common signs of magnesium deficiency in both adults and children. Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) and mood disorders including anxiety, depression, and constant stress are all associated with poor body stores of magnesium.
Running on Empty – What Causes Low Magnesium?
There are many different factors that contribute to magnesium deficiency. These include:
- Inadequate intake from foods.
- Continual stress. As increased levels of stress hormones diminish precious magnesium stores, this can lead to a vicious cycle of magnesium depletion, making it even harder to cope.
- Caffeine, alcohol and certain medications. These increase the loss of magnesium through urination.
Magnesium Fuels Your Energy
When you become stressed, it affects you right down to your core, even causing damage at the cellular level by allowing energy molecules to leak from the cell. These energy molecules are needed for every function in the body; without energy your body’s ability to cope with stress is hindered, resulting in fatigue and other symptoms. But thanks to your cells’ instinctive ability to adapt to perceived stressors, the body uses magnesium to boost energy production, supporting good health and increasing your energy levels.
Daily Protection Against Stress
Utilise the following tips to shield your mind and body from stress and conserve your magnesium:
- Reduce caffeine to a maximum of 1 cup per day.
- Increase your consumption of magnesium-rich foods e.g. spinach and other leafy greens, avocado, almonds, pumpkin seeds and black beans.
- Minimise your intake of processed foods low in nutrients.
- Get a good night’s sleep. This will assist your body in repairing tissues and reducing inflammation caused by stress. To improve sleep quality, ensure your bedroom is cool, dark and quiet; and unplug from electronic devices (e.g. mobile phones, tablets, computer, and TV) 1-2 hours prior to bedtime.
- Exercise regularly to reduce the negative effects of emotional and physical stressors on health.
Choosing the Right Type of Ammunition
Getting enough magnesium in your diet doesn’t always happen. In which case a supplement is wise. Look out for magnesium in a glycinate form. This type of magnesium is well absorbed, gentle on the digestive tract and provides a calming effect. Necessary for 21st-century living, magnesium will improve your resilience to the stressors of modern life.