Jodie Persovic

Dietitian | Naturopath | Herbalist
Nutrition Means Jodie


Dietitian (APD)  |  Nutritionist – BHSc (Nutr & Diet)
Naturopath  |  Herbal Medicine –
AdvDip (Nat & HM)

Jodie is a Qualified Dietitian, Naturopath, Herbalist and Nutritionist.

With extensive training in nutrition and complementary medicine, she has worked in the health industry for over 20 years.

Nutrition Means Jodie


Dietitian (APD)  |  Nutritionist – BHSc (Nutr & Diet)
Naturopath  |  Herbal Medicine –
AdvDip (Nat & HM)

Jodie is a Qualified Dietitian, Naturopath, Herbalist and Nutritionist.

With extensive training in nutrition and complementary medicine, she has worked in the health industry for over 20 years.



  • can’t go
  • can’t stop going
  • bloating, pains
  • heartburn, reflux
  • just about everything


  • too much
  • won’t budge
  • tried everything
  • lost then regained
  • plateau, ready to give up


Cholesterol Icon

  • don’t want statins
  • keto has made it worse
  • fatty liver
  • high blood pressure
  • confused



  • bone-tired
  • brain fog, cloudy head
  • exhausted
  • terrible memory
  • each day’s a struggle



  • I get so angry
  • … then burst into tears
  • worst PMS ever
  • flooding, pains
  • hot flushes, can’t sleep


Mood / Skin

  • feeling down
  • feeling anxious
  • terrible PMS
  • acne getting me down
  • skin condition not healing


No Pain

  • joint pain, muscle pains
  • period pain
  • nerve pain
  • headaches, migraines
  • stomach pains


Blood Test

  • keeps going up
  • don’t want to start insulin
  • not another medication
  • don’t know what to eat
  • can I reverse diabetes?

Latest Recipes

Spinach & Salmon Patties

Spinach & Salmon Patties

Prep time - 20mins Cooking time - 20mins Serves - 4 SERVES - 4 per Serve - main ingredients only: 250 cal / 1480 kJ This recipe used tinned salmon, not fresh. Choose with skin and bones for the added nutrition. The skin provides healthy fatty acids...

Baba Ganoush

Baba Ganoush

Prep time - 20minsCooking time - 60minsServes - 8SERVES - 8 per Serve - main ingredients only: 90 cal / 380 kJfor low FODMAP: omit garlic Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Wrap the eggplant in foil and roast for 50 to 60 minutes, or until they are...

Iced Tea

Iced Tea

Prep time - 10minsCooking time - 0minsServes - 4SERVES - 2 to 4 per Serve - main ingredients only: 0 cal / 0 kJ This is a very flexible recipe. Perfect for hot summer days when something icy cold and refreshing is needed. If you like bubbles serve...

Peanut Sauce

Peanut Sauce

Prep time - 10mins Cooking time - 0mins Serves - 6 SERVES - 6 per Serve - main ingredients only: 180 cal / 770 kJ For low FODMAP: leave out the garlic or use the green part of shallots finely chopped. Adjust the amount of water you add for a...

Keto Bread

Keto Bread

Prep time - 15 minsCooking time - 15-25 minsServes - 8SERVES - 8 per Serve - main ingredients only: 250 cal / 1080 kJFor dairy free use coconut oil. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius. Line a loaf tin with baking paper or grease well. Add all...


Get Your Collagen Boost

Get Your Collagen Boost

Collagen has been a buzz word in skin health for some time now. 'What's the best collagen supplement to take?’ It’s a question I am routinely asked. And my answer routinely is - it depends. I’ll explain more, but first lets start from the beginning with a 101...

Pea for pain

Pea for pain

Research has shown PEA (palmitoylethanolamide) to have anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective and anti-nociceptive (anti-pain) properties and taking it regularly may boost your body’s natural response to pain by acting on the nerve cells which cause pain.

Essential Omega 3

Essential Omega 3

If you've been to my clinic in the last few years, there's no doubt I've taken a sample of your blood to check your Omega-3 levels. With close to 400 samples now, I can safely say we have a widespread deficiency of these essential fatty acids in our community. So far...

Ramp up the detox

Ramp up the detox

It’s an unfortunate fact of modern life that we are exposed to all manner of toxins; in our homes, cars and workplaces, in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink.

What does your poo say about you

What does your poo say about you

Nobody wants to talk about it, but your toilet habits can say a lot about your overall health, do you spend way too much time in the loo or experience constipation, diarrhea, pain, bloating or flatulence? These symptoms can be a sign you may have a functional gut disorder.